Accounting Time sheets Home
In the Time Sheet Home Page, you will find the list of time sheets that have been submitted by the employees that still require approval. The submitted Time Sheets need to be reviewed, and then approved by the accountant or HR manager. The employees, who have submitted the Time Sheets, can either be an internal employee, or an employee who is working on an assignment or job order at a client company.
In the Time Sheet Home Page, you can find the following:
- The From date field and To date field in the top right corner of the screen, where it automatically displays the dates from when the Time Sheets have been submitted by the employees.
- An option to edit the Time Sheet dates from the From and To fields in the top right corner of the screen and click on the View link, available beside the calendar icon. The screen refreshes by displaying the Time Sheet details based on the dates specified.
- Columns that display the Employee Name, Employee ID, Start Date,End Date, and Total Hours respectively. Each column will have their corresponding record details.
- The ability to create New Time Sheets by clicking on the ‘New Time Sheet’ link, as well as view the approved time sheets by clicking on the ‘Approved Time Sheets’ link. See theNew Time Sheet and Approved Time Sheets topics for more details.
- Click on the ‘Send Reminders’ link in order to remind the employees to submit their weekly time sheets. See the Send Reminders topic for more details.
- Approve or reject multiple employees’ time sheets at a time using the Update Status link available in the Time Sheets home page.
To approve/reject time sheets of multiple employees, do the following:
1. Select the required employee(s) time sheets and click on Update Status link. The system displays theUpdate Status for TimeSheet(s) screen as shown below:
2. In the above screen,
- Select the Approve selected Employee(s) Timesheet(s) option if you wish to approve the time sheets.
- Select the Reject selected Employee(s) Timesheet(s) option if you wish to reject the time sheets.
- You can also enter the notes while accepting or rejecting the timesheets in the Notes text area.
- Once you have specified the details, click on Update Status to update the status of the employee time sheets.
- Click Cancel to cancel the Update Status for TimeSheet(s) screen.
You can create a new time sheet for your temporary staff employees who have not submitted their timesheets. You can also create a time sheet for yourself or other internal staff members, if required. Time sheets are used to enter the number of hours worked by the employee during the work week. You can create a time sheet for any date range i.e. from a day to a year.
To create a new time sheet, do the following:
Click on New Timesheet link available in the Time Sheets home page. The system displays the Add New Time Sheet screen as shown below:
In the above screen:
- The start date of the time sheet is displayed by default in the top right corner of the Time Sheet. If the date range needs to be updated to a different time frame you can use calendar icon
to adjust the to and from dates. The screen will refresh, and generates a New Time Sheet Screen, which allows you to fill the Time Sheet details for 7 consecutive days, starting from the start date specified.
- You can select any date range to create new time sheets. You can also have an option to enter hours for the entire date range selected at the top of the screen or you can enter in time per day using the multiple rows listed.
- The Time Sheet screen has four links in the provided strip bar: ‘Add Row’, ‘Delete Row’, ‘Submit’, and ‘Cancel’ links respectively.
- The details of the time sheets are displayed under the following columns: Date, Assignments, Class, Type, Hours and Billable columns respectively. The Task Details field is displayed below the Assignments column.
- Enter the details of the tasks performed by the employee in the Task Details field.
- Select an employee for whom you want to create the time sheet from the ‘Select an Employee to fill the Time Sheet’ drop-down list. The system refreshes and displays the name of the company under Assignments field for which the selected employee is working.
- All rows in the Time Sheet form, displays Date and the respective Day under Date Column drop down list. The first row always displays the Start date, and day of the week; the second row displays the second day, and date of the week etc goes on till the last day, and date of that week.
- Incase, if you want to enter more task details for any particular day, you can add an additional row by clicking on the ‘Add Row’ link.
- To delete a row, you need to select the particular row in the given check box, and click on the ‘Delete Row’ link.
- The Assignments drop-down list displays the name of the Assignment ID, followed by Assignment Company Name and Assignment Name. If the employee has multiple assignments, then the assignment drop-down list displays the multiple assignments. If the employee has any benefits allocated in HRM – Employee Management, then those benefits will be shown in the Assignments drop-down list.
- Using the Class column, the user can now specify the class for the newly created time sheet. By default, a class will be selected based on the assignment. The Class drop-down list displays the list of all classes for each assignment selected. The user can also select the required class from the Class drop-down list, if required.
- The Type drop-down list displays the list of rate types that are added for each assignment. Based on the selected assignment, the respective rate types will be displayed in the Type drop-down list.
- By default, the Regular, OverTime and DoubleTime options will be provided in the Type drop-down list.
- You can specify the time sheet hours for an entire date range or for the individual days in the time sheet screen.
- Select the Billable check box, to bill the number of regular hours and overtime hours worked by the employee. If the Billable checkbox is left unchecked, then the regular hours and overtime hours worked by the employee will not be accounted for that particular day.
- The Billable checkbox will be automatically disabled, if you select any benefits for the employees.
Note: The Billable checkbox will be disabled for all the Admin Staff employees.
- The total number of hours worked by the employee will be automatically shown in the Hours field.
- You can enter any remarks concerning the prepared time sheet in the Remarks textarea.
- You have the facility to upload any other file format as a proof to support the generated Time Sheet through the application. To upload a separate Time Sheet, click on the ‘Browse’button to locate the file from your computer.
- The Uploaded Time Sheet File field displays the navigation path of the uploaded file.
- You need to click on the ‘Submit’ link after entering the details in the Time Sheet form. The screen refreshes by displaying the Time Sheet Home page, which shows the entered new time sheet record.
- The submitted New Time Sheet record added by you will be sent to the respective employee with the status as submitted.
- Click on the ‘Cancel’ link to cancel, and return to previous page.
When you specify the time sheet hours for full date range and click on Submit link in the Add New Time Sheet screen. The system displays the following alert message:
Creating Multiple Time Sheets
The “Create Multiple Timesheets” link allows you to create time sheets for multiple employees at a time. You can select a date range of any period to create time sheets for the employees.
To create multiple time sheets, do the following:
- Click on Create Multiple Timesheets link available in the Time Sheets home page. The system displays the following alert message:

- By default, the above screen will not display any employee record(s) and the date range will be the default current week. You can select the date range of any period to create new time sheets. The date range can vary from a day to a year.
- You can select an employee from the “Select an Employee” drop-down list individually and add them to the new time sheet form. Only HRM Employees will be shown in the“Select an Employee” drop-down list.
- You can also have an option to search and select the employees from the “Search and Select Employees List” link.
- To search and select the employees, click on the “Search and Select Employees List”link. The system refreshes and displays the Search and Select Employees screen as shown below:

- You can filter the employee list by several options or by employee name. You can add unlimited number of employees to the list.
- The Filter Employee List By field contains the following options:
- Assignment Companies
- Internal Direct
- Internal Temp/Contract
- Temp Contract
- By default, the search icon will not be displayed beside the Filter Employee List By drop-down list. When you select the Assignment Companies option from the drop-down list, then the search icon will be displayed.
- You can click on the Add all to the list link to select the whole list and add it to theSelected Employees section. You can also filter the employees by Assignment Company or Employee Type.
- You can enter the name of the employee in the Employee Name text box and click onSearch icon for a quick search based on filtered employees.
- Once you are finished with searching and selecting the employees, click on the Create Listlink to create a new list for the employees to create time sheets.
- Click on the Cancel link to cancel and return back to New Time sheet screen.
- You have to select the assignment or benefits for the employees from the fields available under the Assignments column in the new time sheet screen. Enter the number of hours for the selected date range.
- When you enter the hours for an employee, then those hours will be included when submitting the Time Sheets and vice versa.
- Once you are finished with specifying the assignment or benefits and entering the hours for the employee. Click on the Submit link to submit the time sheet. The system refreshes by submitting the time sheet. The status of the submitted time sheet will be pending for Approval.
- Click on the Submit & Approve link to submit the time sheet with an automatic approval.
- When you submit multiple time sheets for multiple employees, the system creates separate time sheets for each employee.
- Click on the Cancel link to cancel and return back to Time Sheet home page screen.
Note 1: When you edit a submitted time sheet (Create Multiple Timesheet), then the line items (rows) edited by you only will be submitted after its submission. This condition will be applicable when you submit the time sheet by using Submit link.
Whereas in case of Submit & Approve link, the system approves all the line items (rows) irrespective of the line items (rows) edited.
The Time Sheet Home Page displays all of the records that have been submitted by the employees for your approval. Hence, you can find all the submitted Time Sheet records sent by the employees who are currently working on an assignment.
To view the details of the submitted time sheets, double-click on the individual records available in the Time Sheets home page.
- The Submitted Timesheets screen displays the list of submitted timesheets of the employee. You can double-click on a record to view the details of the submitted timesheet.
- The From field and the To field in the top right corner of the screen, displays the duration from, which date the Time Sheet of the selected employee is available.
- You can also change the duration of the Time Sheets from From and To fields and click on the View link available beside the calendar icon. The system refreshes by displaying the Time Sheet details of the selected employee based on the duration specified.
- You can select the required submitted timesheet and click on Approve link to approve the timesheet You can approve multiple timesheets at a time.
- Click on the Delete link to delete the selected time sheet.
- Click on the ‘Cancel’ link to go back to previous page.
Note: You cannot delete the time sheets that are billed or partially billed.
Details of Submitted Time Sheets
To view the details of the submitted timesheets, double-click on a record in the Submitted Timesheets home page. The system refreshes and displays the time sheet screen with the following details:
- The screen displays the name of the selected employee, and the submitted Time Sheet duration in the top right corner of the page.
- You will find check boxes to each line item in the time sheet screen. This check boxes allow you to approve multiple line items in the time sheet screen. You can also reject multiple line items so that these rejected items will not be sent for invoicing.
- The Approved By column displays different statuses based on the line items approved by you in the time sheets. The name of the approved user will be displayed in parenthesis.
- If the time sheet is approved in Accounting->Time Sheets, then it displays the status of the line item as “Accounting (Name of the approved user)”.
- If the time sheet is approved by the self-service user, then it displays the status as “Self-Service (Name of the self service user)”.
- If the time sheet is waiting to be set a new status, then it displays the status as “Pending”.
- If the time sheet is rejected by the user, then it displays the status as “Rejected”.
- You can approve/reject all the line items to change the status of any pending line item in order to invoice.
- The Approved Timesheet section displays the list of line items (rows) that are approved by you for the selected timesheet.
- The person who will approve or reject the Time sheet of the employee, will write his comments in the Notes textarea.
- The screen also has four links, which can be seen in the provided strip bar. The links are ‘Approve’, ‘Reject’, ‘Edit’, and ‘Cancel’.
- If the submitted Time Sheet by the employee is meeting the expectations of you, then you can click on the ‘Approve’ link in order to approve the Time Sheet. Result: The screen refreshes by after approving the Time Sheet.
- The approved Time Sheet of the employee can be found in the ‘Approved Time Sheet’ link. See the Approved Time Sheet topic for more details.
- You can reject the Time Sheet submitted by the employee, by clicking on the ‘Reject’ link. Result: The screen refreshes by deleting the submitted Time Sheet of the employee.
- If any of the submitted Time Sheets by the employees are rejected by you, the message is automatically passed on to the concerned employee stating in the Status field as Rejected by Accounts.
- You can edit the details of the submitted Time Sheet by clicking on the ‘Edit’ link. See the Edit Submitted Time Sheet topic for more details.
- Click on the ‘Cancel’ link to cancel, and return to previous page.
- You can track the history of changes made in Time Sheets. The tracked changes will be displayed based on the following conditions:
- When you edit or reject a time sheet, the system tracks the history of the full time sheet.
- When you re-submit the time sheet, then the history will be shown within the timesheet at the very bottom:

The edit option is a very important feature in Time Sheet, which allows you to edit the details of the submitted Time Sheet by the employee.
You can edit the details of the submitted Time Sheet by clicking on the ‘Edit’ link. The screen refreshes by displaying the form, in which you can edit the submitted time sheet.
Make the required changes and click on Submit to save the new changes.
This will bring the time sheet changes back to the main Time Sheet screen where you can approve the time sheet by clicking on the check box on the left hand side next to the time sheet and then updating the status to approved by clicking on the Update Status button in the gray bar.
Click on the ‘Cancel’ link to cancel, and return to previous page if necessary.
The Approved Time Sheets screen allows users to view the details of the approved time sheets, and edit any time sheets that may be incorrect that have not already been billed.
NOTE: Time sheets that have been billed cannot be edited unless the invoice is removed from Invoice History and brought back to Create Invoices. This will enabled the Edit option under the Approved Time Sheet screen and will allow users to make changes to the time sheets and regenerate the invoice with the correct amount.
To view the approved time sheets, do the following:
Click on the Approved Time Sheet link in the Time Sheets home page. The system displays the list of approved time sheets of the employees.
You can view all the particulars of the approved time sheets of an employee, by double clicking on the desired employees’ Time Sheet record. The Time Sheet screen refreshes, and shows the list of approved timesheets, for that particular selected employee.
The refreshed screen displays the following details:
- Once you double click the individual records of the employee, the screen refreshes by displaying the list of Time Sheets approved for that selected employee.
- The selected employee’s name is mentioned in the top right corner of the screen.
- The From field and the To field in the top right corner of the screen, displays the duration, from which date the Approved Time Sheet of that employee is available.
- You can also edit the duration of the Approved Time Sheets from the From and To fields and click on the View link, available beside the calendar icon. Result: The screen refreshes by displaying the Time Sheet details of the selected employee based on the duration specified.
- Click on the ‘Cancel’ link to go back to previous page.
- Click on the Delete link to delete the selected time sheet.
- To view the Time Sheet details of the approved records, double click on the desired record. Result: The screen refreshes by displaying the entire particulars of the approved Time Sheet.
Note: You cannot delete the time sheets that are billed or partially billed.
Approved Time Sheet Details
You can view and edit the details of the Approved Time Sheets of the employees, who have submitted their Time Sheets for approval.
NOTE: Time sheets that have already been billed cannot be edited. The invoice will have to be removed and sent back to Create Invoices in order for the Edit option to appear back on the time sheets.
To view and edit the Time Sheet details of the approved records, double click on the desired record in the Approved Timesheet section and click on the Edit button in the right hand corner. This will refresh the screen and all fields will become editable.
The refreshed screen will show the following details:
The name of the selected employee, and the date and time of submission of the Time Sheet, on the top right corner of the page, all other assignment information, as well as the hours (regular, overtime and double time).
If you wish to print the time sheet, you do not have to click on the Edit button, as there will be a button/icon next to Edit called Print. Click on the “Print” link to print the approved time sheet screen. The system refreshes and displays the time sheet screen in print mode as shown below:
- Set the required print options and click Print to print the time sheet.
- The printed time sheet displays the following:
- Company logo on the top left corner along with the Company Name
- Employee Name and the date on which time sheet was submitted
The Send Reminders feature in Time Sheets allows you to send an email as a reminder to all the active employees who have active assignments and who have not submitted their time sheets.
To send a reminder message, perform the below steps:
- Click on Send Reminders link in the Time Sheets home page. The following pop up message is displayed.
- In the above message, specify the start date and end date and click onContinue. The Send Reminders screen is displayed.
Note: Employees who have not submitted their time sheets in the above specified date range will get the reminder.
- The Send Reminders screen displays the duration dates selected in the reminders pop up message. You can enter the reminder notes in the field provided and click on Send to send the reminder message.
- Click on Cancel to ignore the changes made in Send Reminders screen.
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