HRM - Overseas Recruiting

Modified on Wed, 23 Aug, 2023 at 5:55 AM



You can forward the overseas recruitment lead as applicant by clicking on Forward as Applicant link.

1. Select the required Overseas Recruitment Lead and click on the “Forward as Applicant” link. The system prompts you for confirmation.

2. Click “OK” to forward the overseas recruitment lead as an applicant. The Overseas Recruitment screen refreshes by removing the selected recruitment lead.

3. Click on the “Cancel” to close the pop-up window.





When you delete records using ‘Archive’ link in the application, they are not removed from the application, but transferred to the view archive list. This provision is available to the AkkenCloud Staffing users because there is a possibility of deleting the record by mistake, or you may need a record to be used after it has been deleted. To ease these kinds of situations, AkkenCloud Staffing provides “View Archive” feature where you can retrieve or permanently remove a record from the application.

  1. Use the mouse to click on the ‘Archive’ down arrow icon on the screen. You will see the menu listing.
  2. Click on the “View Archive” link to delete the records permanently from the application. Result: The screen refreshes by displaying View Archive list. You can permanently delete a record from the application.

To permanently delete a record from view archive list,

  1. Select the records, you want to delete and click on “Delete” link on View archive list screen. Result: The screen refreshes by deleting the records permanently from the application
  2. Click on the “Cancel” link to cancel and return to previous page.

To retrieve a record from view archive list,

  1. Click on the “View Archive” link on the screen. Result: The screen refreshes by displaying the deleted records list.
  2. Select the records, you wish to make available and click on the “Make Available” link on View archive list screen. Result: The screen refreshes by making the selected records available.



The Archive feature assists to remove the record(s) from the existing records list. You can remove single or multiple or all records at a time. To archive a record from the existing records,

1. Select the record you want to archive and use the mouse to click on the Archive down arrow icon on the screen. You will see the menu listing.

2. Select the “Archive” link from menu listing to delete the record temporarily. Result: The screen refreshes by deleting. The deleted record(s) are moved to the View Archive list.



You can create user accounts for the Overseas Recruiting leads from the Overseas Recruiting Home Page.

To create a user account for the recruiting lead, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the recruiting lead record for whom you want to create an account and click on the Create User link. The system refreshes and displays the recruiting lead record in the Admin – User Management – Consultants – New Consultants section for the creation of account.
  2. Here, click on the Create Account link available corresponding to the recruiting lead record. The system refreshes and displays the screen to specify the Username, Password and Confirm Password. Enter the required information in the fields provided and click on the Create Account link. The system refreshes by creating a user account for the recruiting lead and an email is sent to the recruiting lead with the user credentials.
  3. You can view the created user details in the Admin – User Management – Consultants home page.



You can import recruitment details from other applications. AkkenCloud Staffing supports importing of the recruitment details that use the comma separated value (CSV) format.

Before beginning, make sure that the file you are going to import is in comma separated value (CSV) format. You can use the import wizard available under Overseas Recruiting home page to import the recruitment details.



Click on the “Import” link from overseas recruiting home page. Result: The Import pop up window is displayed.



a. Select the file format from the drop-down list in File Format field of import pop up window. The application supports importing of Comma Separated Values (CSV) files.

b. Select the source application of your data to be imported in File to Import field.

c. Click on the “Browse” button and select the required file.

d. Click on the “Import” link to continue. Result: The screen refreshes by displaying the mapping screen.

e. Click on the “Cancel” link to close the pop-up window and return to previous page.




The import wizard associates the AkkenCloud Staffing fields with field names from your import file. You need to assign each importing data field with fields available in the application. This can be done in mapping screen.

a. In the mapping screen, assign each importing data field with existing data field by selecting from the drop-down list.

b. When the fields are assigned correctly, click on the “Continue” link to continue. Result: The mapping screen refreshes by displaying the matching criteria form.

c. Click on the “Cancel” link to cancel and return to previous page.



a. Choose the fields that match with your existing recruitment records by the selected fields. The selected fields set the criteria for to avoid duplicates. For example, if you want to match a record by nickname, and your source file has the same nickname as a record in application, then the record will be updated in the application field.

b. Click on the “Change Mapping” link to return to mapping screen.

c. Click on the “Cancel” link to cancel and return to previous page.

d. Click on the “Continue” link to import. Result: The records are imported into the application. Result: The matching criteria screen refreshes by displaying the screen to upload resumes of the imported recruitment leads in zip format.



a. Select the file format from the drop-down list in File Format field. The application supports importing of resume files in zip format.

b. Select the source application of your data to be imported in File to Import field.

c. Click on the “Browse” button and select the required file.

d. Click on the “Import” link to continue. Result: The screen refreshes by displaying the Overseas Recruitment home page.

e. Click on the “Cancel” link to close the pop-up window and return to previous page.



To export the recruitment lead, you must select the recruitment lead. By default, the recruitment lead details are saved in the excel sheet.

  1. Select the required Overseas Recruitment Lead you want to export and click on the ‘Export’ link. Result: The File Download window is displayed.
  2. Click on the “Save” button to save the file in the required path.
  3. Click on the “Open” button to open the file.
  4. Click on the “Cancel” button to close the file download dialogue box.

AkkenCloud Staffing provides appointments activity to manage your meetings. To add an appointment, click on the “Create Appointment” link from the activities tab. Result: The Add Appointment pop up window is displayed.




  1. Specify the subject for the calendar item in the Subject text box. Select the calendar type from the Categories drop down list. To mention a new category type, click the Manage Categories link. By default, the calendar type will be Meeting.
  2. You can select multiple categories for the calendar appointments. You will find the All-day event checkbox below the Subject text box.
  3. An “All day event” is an event that lasts for an entire day. All Day events are often birthdays, anniversaries, vacations, and any other event that does not require a specific time scheduled on a given day. You can create an All-day event by clicking on the “All day event” link available in the calendar home page. When you are viewing your calendar, all the All-day events are listed at the top of each day.
  4. The Start Date and End Date fields display the current start and end date of the calendar in the respective fields.
  5. You can edit/modify the start date and end date if required. Alternatively, you can click on the calendar icon to specify the scheduled start date and end date. The Invite box displays the members who are selected for invitation for the appointment.
  6. You can also specify the start and end time of the calendar appointment from the Start Time and End Time drop-down lists. When the user creates a new calendar item, by default, the duration between Start Time and End Time will be 1 hour. If the user changes the start time of the appointment, then automatically the end time of the appointment will be changed.
  7. Clicking on the “Select from list” link displays the pop-up window to add the members for this appointment. See the Select from List topic explained at the bottom of this page, to know how to select the members.
  8. To remove employees from Invite box, press Shift or CTRL keys on keyboard, and with mouse click select the desired employees. Click on the ‘Remove from List’ link. Result: The selected employees are removed from Invite box.
  9. Enter the calendar item description in the Description text area.
  10. The Location field specifies the location of the calendar item. You will find the edit list link beside the Location drop-down list. Using the edit list link, you can edit and delete the location of the calendar item.
  11. You can also have an option to select the label for the calendar item using the Label drop down list. The calendar labels will be displayed in different colors. Each label will be assigned a color to choose.
  12. Select the ‘Remind me on eDesk’ checkbox and select from the drop-down list, the amount of time before which you want the reminder to display on the home page. You can select the minimum time of 5 minutes to a maximum of 14 days from the drop-down list.
  13. If you want to maintain your details as confidential, you can select the Private checkbox.
  14. You can set the level of importance for calendar items using the Priority drop down list. Calendar items that are set as priority will be shown in bold on Calendar and eDesk screens.
  15. The Show time as drop list allows the user to specify the status of the calendar item. It contains the following options: Free, Tentative, Busy and Out of Office. By default, the “Busy” option will be selected.
  16. User can upload the required files to the calendar item using the Upload File field. Multiple files can be uploaded.
  17. You will also find the Recurrence link in the Repetitive Event section of the Calendar screen.
  18. You can click on the Recurrence link to set the calendar recurrence in the Calendar screen. The selected calendar recurrence settings will be displayed in the calendar screen.
  19. Click on the “Save” link to save appointment. The system displays the calendar appointment in the calendar section based on the recurrence settings set by the user. At the same time, the newly created calendar appointment will be displayed in the activities section of overseas recruiting lead, eDesk->Calendar section and Collaboration->Calendar section.
  20. Click on the “Close” link to close and return to the previous page.



1. On the activities tab, highlight the required appointment activity type record and double click it, to modify the details. Result: The Edit appointment pop up window is displayed.

2. Modify the appointment details.

3. Click on the “Update” link to save the details.

4. To close the pop-up window, click on the “Close” link.



The members are selected to add or invite for an event, appointment, task etc., The “Select Participants” from List pop up window contains the following options:

To select from list:

1. Select the department from the Departments drop down list.

2. Employees who belong to the selected department are displayed in the Available Employees List box. Press Shift or CTRL keys on keyboard and select the desired employees of your choice then click on the ‘Add’ link.

3. You can click on the “Select All” link to select all the employees from the Available Employees List box.

4. Click on the “Clear All” link to clear the selection of all the employees in the Available Employees List box.

5. The employees selected are displayed in the Receiving Employees List box.

6. Repeat the above steps to add more employees from different departments.

7. To remove the employees, select the employee name in the Receiving Employees List box, click on the “Remove” link. Result: The selected employees are removed.

8. To cancel the changes on the screen, click on the “Reload” link to refresh the screen.

9. Click on the “Done” link to add the employees list. Result: The selected employees are added to the Invite List box.

10. To close the Select from List pop up window, click on the “Close” link.



Task Manager feature allows you to add/edit/delete the tasks created by you.


  1. Click on the “New Task” link to create a new task. Result: The Tasks pop up window refreshes to capture the new task details.
  2. Enter the name of the new task in the Task textbox.
  3. Click on the “Save” link to save the new task details.
  4. Click on the “Cancel” link to cancel and return to previous page.

To modify new task:

  1. Click on the “Edit” link of the corresponding task name.
  2. Modify the task details.
  3. Click on the “Update” link to save the changes.
  4. Click on the “Cancel” link to cancel and return to previous page.

To delete new task:

  1. Click on the “Delete” link of the corresponding status. Result: The status pop up window refreshes by deleting.
  2. To close the tasks, pop up window, click on the “Close” link.



AkkenCloud Staffing provides tasks activity to manage your tasks with the selected recruitment lead. To add a task, click on the ‘Create Task’ link from the activities tab. Result: The Add Task window is displayed.




Add task window is divided into two segments: Task Info and Details.

Task Info:

  1. Select the task category from the Categories drop list. To create a new category type rather than a category from the drop-down list box, click on the “Manage Categories” link.
  2. Specify the subject for the task in the Subject text box.
  3. Specify the Start Date and Due Date of the task from the fields provided.
  4.  Alternatively, you can click on the calendar icon to specify the start date and end date of the task.
  5. Specify the task status from the Status drop-down list. The Status is a drop-down list containing the following options: Not Started, In Progress, waiting on someone else, Deferred and Completed.
  6. The fields marked in (red star) are mandatory.
  7. You can also specify the task priority from the Priority drop down list. For instance, you can select as high/low/medium etc. By default, the priority is selected as ‘Normal’
  8. Specify the percentage of task completed in the % completed text box. This helps to keep track of each task. For instance, you can enter as 50% or 75% etc.,
  9. Enter the task description in the Description text area.
  10. You can specify the date till which the task can be reminded on eDesk. To do this, select the ‘Remind me on eDesk until’ checkbox and specify the Month, Day, Year and Time by selecting in their respective fields from the drop-down list.  Based on the reminder date, the task will be reminded on eDesk until the date you specify. Selecting this is optional. The reminders for tasks will start from task start date until reminder date. For example:  If the user creates a new task with today (11 November 2019) as Start Date and Reminder Date as March 01, 2020, then the system displays the reminder in eDesk->Reminders section from today till March 01, 2020.
  11.  Alternatively, you can click on the calendar icon to specify the date till which the task can be reminded on eDesk.
  12. You will find the Recurrence link in the Recurrence field. Clicking on this link allows you to set the task recurrence. Based on the recurrence set, the task will be displayed in the eDesk->Tasks section, Collaboration->Task Manager home page and in activities section of overseas recruiting lead.
  13. Once you apply the selected task recurrence settings, the system displays the selected recurrence information in the Add Task screen.


Task details segment is to be filled by you, only when the task is completed.

  1. Specify the date of task completion by selecting the Month, Day and Year in their respective fields drop down list, in Date Completed field.
  2. Alternatively, you can click on the calendar icon to specify the task completion date.
  3. Enter the total work hours in Total Work Hours textbox.
  4. Enter the actual work hours in Actual Work Hours textbox.
  5. Enter the companies involved in the Companies text box.
  6. Enter the mileage in the Mileage textbox.
  7. Enter the billing information in the Billing Information text box
  8. The user can now browse and upload the required files to the new task from the Upload File(s) field, if required. To upload the file, click the Browse button and select the required file and click Open. The system displays the uploaded file in the Uploaded File(s) section. The user can remove the uploaded files, if required by clicking on the Remove link available next to the Uploaded File(s) field. All the tasks added will be displayed in the eDesk on the date it has been created and not for the duration of the task.
  9. User can upload many files.
  10. Click on the “Save” link to save new task details.
  11. Click on the “Close” link to close and return to the previous page.



1. On the Activities tab, highlight the required task and double click on it to modify the details. Result: The edit Task pop up window is displayed.

2. Modify the task details.

3. Click on the ‘Update’ link to save the details.

4. To close the window, click on the ‘Close’ link.



You can add the documents specific to the selected recruitment lead. To do this, click on the “Add Document” link from the activities tab. Result: The Add Document pop up window is displayed.




1. Enter the title of the document in the Title text box.

2. Click on the “Browse” button and locate the document on your computer.

3. Enter any specific information about the documents in the Notes text area.

4. Click on the “Upload” link to upload the document file.

5. Click on the “Close” link to close the window.



1. On the Activities tab, highlight the required document activity type record and double click it to modify the details. Result: The Edit document pop up window is displayed.



  1. Modify the title of the document in the Title text box.
  2. The document is displayed as a link in Document File field.
  3. Click on the document name link. Result: The File Download window pops up.
  • Click on the Open button to open the document.
  • Click on the Save button to save the document in local drive.
  • Click on the Cancel button to cancel and return to previous page.
  1. Check the Upload New Document check box, if you wish to replace the old document and upload a new document.
  2. Click on the Browse button and locate the new document on your computer.
  3. Enter any specific information about the new document in the Notes text area.
  4. Click on the ‘Upload’ link to upload the new document file. Result: The old document is replaced, and the new document is added.
  5. To close the window, click on the “Close” link.


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